After care instructions tips for professional teeth whitening

Congratulations for your Professional teeth whitening, we have use the best dental whitening system (Philips Zoom) and now your smile look bright and stain-free and it is time to follow an aftercare routine in order to achieve the best result as possible.

Teeth whitening opens temporarily the enamel’s pores in the process and It takes up to 72 hours for the layer to regenerate and as such, the longevity of whitening hinges on the next 3 follow days after the procedure has been done. Keep the following tips in mind!

Foods and Habits to Avoid 3 days after your in office teeth whitening!

foods to avoid after a professional teeth whitening

Particularly in the next 72 hours after your teeth whitening procedure steer clear of foods that easily create stains like…

  • Coffee
  • Red wine
  • Dark colored Fruits
  • Dark Fruit juices
  • Dark Beers
  • Dark Sodas
  • Black Tea
  • Soy Sauce
  • Cured meats
  • Chocolate
  • Red Sauces
  • Red meet

During this stage, your teeth are vulnerable to staining easily . Consuming these foods negates the effects of the whitening procedure.

Also think about other things you put in your mouth that could cause stains. Along with certain food choices, avoid using colored toothpastes, tobacco products and e-cigarettes.

What can you eat during the next 3 follow days after your whitening dental procedure?

Ideally, anything that’s white or light in color and non-acidic is less likely to stain like some of the next follow meals…

  • Milk
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Cauliflower
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Skinless chicken breasts
  • Potatoes
  • Tofu
  • Yogurt
  • Bread
  • Oatmeal
  • Cottage cheese
  • Clear beers
  • White wine
  • White Meat
  • Clear sodas

Please Avoid all kind of dark-colored food, but if you accidentatly eat something dark colored food be sure to brush your teeth with white toothpaste immediately after eating or drinking anything that stains.

sensitive teeth after whitening

Aside from the type of food, also think about its temperature. Your recently whitened teeth may be extremely sensitive to hot and cold sensations. Avoid anything too extreme in either direction and, for the time being, consider using toothpaste for sensitive teeth if it is neccesary.

In addition to anti-sensitivity toothpaste, be sure to brush and floss every day. For most patients, sensitivity lasts only a few days. In the meantime, consider using any pain killer like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to lessen the sensation.

Please keep in mind that all what you do immediately after a teeth whitening treatment dictates how well the results will last.

if you have any question regarding your dental whittening procedure and do´s and dont´s please contact us, we will very happy to help you with that!
